Monday, March 12, 2012

Travels with Yoday Part II

As I mentioned in my last post Yoda and I made our first bus trip the following day with Wendi to pick up some prescriptions and a few other odd things we needed.
Although comfortable, in an industrial sort of way, this mode of transportation didn’t impress the little guy very much and, frankly, I don’t blame him. He made use of his time while we waited for our connections levitating Mini Coopers just for fun to Wendi’s amusement (he’s got a thing for the babes). Other than that it was a pretty dull adventure.
Over this last weekend we went out to have a glass of wine (or two, or three, or four) with our new found friends FUNARIZONAN and IRISHCREAM. Since I’m not allowed to drive we had to resort to hijacking a car from our daughter and her boyfriend at gun point because Yoda was unable or too distracted to take over their minds. He was bouncing all over the place singing “party,party,party… PARRRRRRTY!” over and over again driving ME nuts, with Wendi (finally) behind the wheel and me as navigator while Yoda cowered on the floor in the back seat (Wendi’s an acquired taste behind the wheel) we headed off to our favorite wine bar (Terroir) for some merriment.
Upon arriving we made the usual rounds saying hi to the staff (who are our favorite people in the whole world) and some goofy lady having a baby shower for her daughter there (pregnant woman, wine…interesting blend there but we’ll avoid that discussion for now). We ordered a cheese and fruit plate along with one of our favorite bottles of Rose’ and settled in for what we hope would be a pleasant conversation with our friends and as it turns out…it was that and more.
Yoda had made the rounds at the baby shower, gotten a few phone numbers and made it back to our table to catch his breath just before S (FUNARIZONAN) and E (IRISHCREAM) had gotten there.
S and E couldn’t be more wonderful people, it was like sitting and talking to lifetime friends instead of people we had just met for the first time a few minutes before. The wine flowed, the conversation came quick and clever and the food disappeared much too quickly.
One couple, who are regulars at the bar, had seen us and came out on the patio to sit near us but didn’t attempt to join in the conversation. They just sat and listened intently. They tend to show up on our Saturday nights and do just the same. Our groups cover a lot of subjects in a, more often than not, sexy way and this conversation was no exception. Between sexual encounters, squirting and physical malady similarities we were having a good time. They seemed amused until Yoda (remember Yoda) hit his wine limit. In one quick motion he tore off his clothes, jumped on the table and began shaking his booty at that couple. A moment later the couple decided it was time for them to leave.
We discovered that afternoon that Yoda’s and wine don’t mix well. E and wine had a similar effect we understand later, yet not nearly as badly as Yoda. E later confirmed she will live to drink another day and enjoy it although she may stick to Bailey’s a little more than wine.
We were able to finally get Yoda dressed while listening to his pathetic “what do you think of my light saber?” joke over….and over again. Once he was dressed we collected ourselves, paid our bill and danced off into the sunset with future plans to get together again soon.
Yoda lay on the back seat half heartedly singing the “party, party” song while pumping his fists in the air and a moment later was fast asleep before we got home.
I’ve never had to tuck a Jedi into bed and to be honest…it was kinda weird and hopefully I won’t again in the future but he did look kinda cute laying there sleeping.
We’re supposed to take him to a party in a few weeks, but we may not be able to tell you what went on there at that point. Let’s just say we hope Yoda’s light saber is well charged and ready to go by then.

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