Saturday, June 2, 2012


I hated “Show and Tell” when I was a kid. I wasn’t sure I wanted the whole world to know what interested me. I wasn’t embarrassed or even remotely ashamed of any of it…I just didn’t think it was anybody’s damned business but mine. The older I got the more I hated the whole concept. Over the past several months I have been asked fairly often why I don’t talk about sex more (especially considering where my musings get posted a lot of the time). So I sat down and gave some serious thought to those questions over the past several days. Interestingly enough I came up with a reasonably simple answer and here it is…because it’s easier to show you than tell you about it. As much as I hate to make that statement (if I had hair it would be standing up right now) it’s quite true. The old saying “Actions speak louder than words” couldn’t possibly ring truer than when it comes to the subject of sex. Anyone can talk a good game…few can actually play it. I can talk (or write) all day to the point of exhaustion about how and where I would touch my lover and the heat, smells and moisture it would create. I can describe the surroundings, the atmosphere and possibly the sounds created by both the environment and the mechanics that would be generated by such an opportunity but they would only ignite the imagination. To be physically present and involved would be the “proof in the pudding” so to speak. Sadly we’ve brought the need for this upon ourselves. People have been seduced by words since language was invented. Unfortunately as we have evolved (or de-evolved in some cases) language has become an afterthought. “UR so HOT” or U make me…whatever appearing on your phones text box seldom arouses anyone over the age of ten (I hope). Forum pages on many of the sites my wife and I subscribe to are filled with posting from “Hey look at ME” members asking questions they really don’t want a serious answer to like “What’s your favorite position?” or “What kind of lube do you use?” and so on. What they really want is for someone to tell them they’re hot and flirt with them and possibly even make a date with them…only for people to discover the posters are sexually inept fools (but they do look good). Another reason why seeing, touching and experiencing…is believing. You’re not going to get graphic descriptions of my latest experiences or conquests from me. My ego is healthy enough without bragging about such things for personal fulfillment. I may use excerpts of those things to illustrate a point but it’s hardly a conscious effort to seduce you I have other places I can do that in if the need arises. If you want to know something I will honestly answer your question but be prepared for an answer you may not like or a response of “I can’t tell you, I can only show you.” It’s not a “come-on” it’s merely a simple fact. To this day I still don’t like to talk about what interests me…I’d rather show you so you can better understand it for real.

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