Two weekends ago we had our monthly meet & greet at Terroir Wine Pub. As usual it was a big hit and we thank you all (we most of you) for comming.
We did however have a few incidents that are still causing steam to come out of my ears and field more than a few e-mails of people registering shock and disgust over the couple of things that happened. So much so that for the first time ever I'm going to address these issues here. In part to get them off of my chest and in part to make a few things perfectly clear but before I dig into the meat of the matter let me lay out a few of the rules we are all governed by when it comes to meet & greets and other public or semi public events.
In the state of Arizona the way the liquor laws are written you may not at any time have nudity or partial nudity where alcohol is being sold and served. This means that, although it's fun and visually thrilling, you CANNOT at any time flash body parts at people or incite a group grope... even in a tight circle of people. You CANNOT participate in any form of public sex and crowding into a bathroom doesn't count as a private space. Restrooms are still considered a public space available to patrons of the establishment and required by law to be available to ALL patrons of that establishment. Locking the door to do anything other than what restrooms are designed for you to do is rude and inconsiderate of your fellow partiers. The lines are long enough without adding to the frustration.
The staff at any place selling alcohol have been trained to identify potential violations of their license and interceed before it happens as much as possible. Depending on the size of the venue those taskes may be delegated to security staff, a manager or owner and in many venues the waitstaff may also be included. The point is...there is always going to be someone looking for problems that could potentially shut them down and/or cause them the loss of their license and livelyhood.
WE've all been to one meet & greet or another over the past few years thanks to the short sighted, narrow mindedness of a few clueless people. Everyone (including me) misses the "good ol' days" of having a quality swing club in the valley and, sometimes, the combination of alcohol and highly charged sexual libido's get the better of us and we forget where we are. It's happened to all of us at least once.
However some of us have begun to make it a normal part of their social behavior regardless of where they are and this posses a problem not only for themselves but everyone around them...even ones who aren't part of the group.
At the last meet & greet a group of people in a, unfortunately, highly visible place (encouraged by someone who knows better but thinks they're an exception to every rule) decided flashing boobs and other body parts, nipple rubbing and highly charged grouping and kissing were perfectly OK to do...even after being asked by several staff members (and me) to tone it down. Rather than tone it down they ramped up and decided they'll play in the restroom then which created a line to the ladies room. This, in turn, began a number of cautions against doing that and caused the staff to cast a wary eye on the group and the ladies room door which began to piss the women in that group off. Several other women were cautioned as well because their preceved actions appeard to be heading that same direction which, unfortunately but understandably, offended one of these women for being warned about the occupancy number in the restroom by one of the waitress'.
When several of the offending group were blocked from entering the restroom together they were outraged that someone would prevent them from having fun. So what did one of them do? Express her outrage by taking a shit on the restroom floor! What sort of classless moron does something like that?! Needless to say this woman (and her husband) have been banned for life from Terroir.
The remainder of that group is now suspect wherever they show up not only for all of that silliness but also because they, and several other people, were responsible for shutting down another meet & greet and causing that event to be banned from that venue for similar (and worse) behavior there. Something, at the time of this writing, they refuse to take resposibility for. They claim it was the vanilla people's fault for making such a big deal over what they were doing. Huh? What are they and people like them thinking?! If they're thinking at all.
I, unfortunately, feel the need to say this again...When we all got into the Lifestyle no one gave us a special level of entitlement that allows us to do what we want, when we want, how we want in public places! There are laws that govern our behavior in public and there are no exemptions for swingers listed on any of them (believe me I've looked), in fact there are MORE limiting our actions that people in the vanilla world!
Experiences like the ones mentioned here are one of the prime reasons the vanilla world has issues with our lifestyle! At a time when many of us are trying to build bridges and close the gap with the vanilla world so that we can reclaim the portions of our lifestyle that has been stripped from us over the past few years this is the time to be demonstrating what a classy, stable, elite, worthy of emulation and praise person the average Lifestyler is and that we're not the juvinile, classless, irresponsible bufoons they've always imagined us to be.
C'mon people...get a grip!
Monday, March 30, 2009
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WOW, I had no idea that this had happened! What an upsetting story! I am truly astonished that someone had the audacity to do that at a Meet and Greet that we have all grown to love.
You guys are great hosts and I know that you feel like the Terrior is your home. So this selfish event must have to fit to be tied. I hope that you will continue to plan parties and that the Terrior will forgive our group. Cause the other 99% of us are well behaved lifestylers.
Hang in there! M & P
This is an unfortunate situation. However to annonymously go off blaming almost everyone is as wrong. The terrior is a fine establishment but unfortunately does not have the size or especially staffing to accomodate this crowd, time to move on.
D & D
Oh my God, there was kissing?? As for the "thought police" this place sounds horribly unfriendly to lifestylers. If even PART of what is being said is true, that would be bad.
There are other far more friendly Meet n Greets on the 3rd Saturday in the Valley. These other places offer far better service and welcome you fully. They don't make you feel as if you should feel "honored" they let you into their establishment like the terrior does, then proceed to give you the absolute worst service of any Meet n Greet. In a nustshell, it is amazing that terrior is still in business with their crap service. And they have the gall to complain. This Meet n Greet is dead, the few attendees left just haven't realized it.
Check out one of the other parties, you will be glad you did. You will have a great time and not leave feeling frustated by the establishment.
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